Verehre meine gefährlichen schwarzen stiletto-nägel
2,705 100%
Now's your chance to get on your knees and worship the beauty of My fabulous long nails. The Queen of Long Nails is back to taunt you with Her perfect, sharp nails, Her unforgettable stilettos that have been crawling through your head for so many years now. The truth is you're such an obsessed wanker, that you only get aroused when you look at the beauty of My long sharp fingernails. The truth is you can only get aroused when you know I'm instructing you on how to worship and adore My claws. Admit it: you're obsessed with the power of My shiny nails and you can't wait to see them wrapped around some lucky penis, even if it's not your own. You get incredibly aroused when you see Me dominate, because you're craving to be owned, controlled, a part of My army of drones. Give My nails a kiss, pout your lips and kiss them. Closer now, don't be afraid of My penis. I know you'll love kissing it, just like you love thinking about submission, about focusing on what really matters - My nails.
Hallo, meine Drohne, heute ist deine Chance, auf deine Knie zu gehen und die Schönheit meiner
Fabelhafte lange Nägel noch einmal
Die Königin der langen Nägel ist zurück, um dich mit ihren perfekten, scharfen Nägeln zu verspotten, ihre unvergesslichen
Stilettos, die dir seit so vielen Jahren durch den Kopf kriechen.
Die Wahrheit ist, du bist so ein besessener Wichser, dass du nur erregt wirst, wenn du dich ansiehst.