Er der beste weg, mit dem rauchen aufzuhören? Fülle deinen mund mit etwas, das besser und härter ist
154 50%
You want to quit smoking? Oh, baby, I'll help you. But not in the way you expect. Cigarettes? Disgusting. Weak. Worthless. They don't belong between those lips of yours. But don't worry—I know exactly what does. This isn't just about breaking a habit. This is about replacing it with something so much more fitting for that pathetic, needy mouth of yours. Every time you crave a cigarette, your body will remind you: That's not what your lips were made for. That's not what your tongue should be tasting. There's something bigger, better, and so much more satisfying. By the time this is over, you won't just quit smoking. You'll be rewired, retrained, completely transformed. And the final step? Oh, baby once you realize what truly belongs in your mouth, there's no turning back. This isn't just quitting. This is your new purpose.
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Liebling, willst du mit dem Rauchen aufhören und schwul werden?
Solch eine faszinierende Verwandlung.
Eine ganz neue Identität, ein frisches, köstliches Du.
Ich kann es schon sehen.