Anita Coxhard







Über mich: Updated 4/18/2023 Howdy and thanks for visiting. We're The Coxhard. Mike Coxhard and The Hairy Pussy MILF Goddess, Anita Coxhard. We're an empty nest couple who's decided to spice up their love life by taking it online. Mike is a guy who just can't satisfy his wife, and Anita is a gal who is craving a guy with a bigger cock and more stamina. Whether we're making videos, playing on social media, writing a sexy story or working on our upcoming podcast, we love having some serious sexy fun together. We welcome you to join us and browse through our video catalogue. ***NEWS*** Howdy folks, we're still active and alive. Apologies we haven't posted anything in awhile. Unfortunately Anita's back is still nagging her. She is seeing a specialist and hopes to get a shot soon that'll get her back up and moving. trust me when I say she is extremely anxious to start making videos again. I (Mike) have been busy planning the Podcast as well as finishing our second novel. Please enjoy the videos we have and make sure to follow us on Twitter. Sincerely Mike & Anita OLD NEWS Since Anita has all but taken over the @TheCoxhard Twitter page, Mike has started using his own Twitter handle. You can now follow Mike at @MikeCoxhard69 on Twitter. Make sure to check both accounts daily for fresh new content. Look for our first book "Satisfying Sarah" out soon. We're currently writing/editing our second novel entitled "Arrow Smith's Greatest Hits". Gonna be's hard not masturbating as we write it. Yeah, it's THAT hot! And finally, we're close to recording our first episode for our official podcast. After thinking looooonnnngggg & HARD as to what the topic of the podcast would be...we decided to watch and discuss some of the most famous and outrageous XXX movies from the Golden Age of Porn (1969 -1984). While there are several podcasts & episodes of, that cover The Golden Age of Porn, we believe none discuss or paint the individual films in the humorous fashion our podcast intends. Look for it very soon. Thanks again for visiting Enjoy the show. Sincerely Mike & Anita

Über mich

Updated 4/18/2023

Howdy and thanks for visiting.

We're The Coxhard.

Mike Coxhard and The Hairy Pussy MILF Goddess, Anita Coxhard.

We're an empty nest couple who's decided to spice up their love life by taking it online. Mike is a guy who just can't satisfy his wife, and Anita is a gal who is craving a guy with a bigger cock and more stamina.

Whether we're making videos, playing on social media, writing a sexy story or working on our upcoming podcast, we love having some serious sexy fun together.

We welcome you to join us and browse through our video catalogue.

Howdy folks, we're still active and alive. Apologies we haven't posted anything in awhile. Unfortunately Anita's back is still nagging her. She is seeing a specialist and hopes to get a shot soon that'll get her back up and moving. trust me when I say she is extremely anxious to start making videos again. I (Mike) have been busy planning the Podcast as well as finishing our second novel.

Please enjoy the videos we have and make sure to follow us on Twitter.

Mike & Anita

Since Anita has all but taken over the @TheCoxhard Twitter page, Mike has started using his own Twitter handle. You can now follow Mike at @MikeCoxhard69 on Twitter. Make sure to check both accounts daily for fresh new content.

Look for our first book "Satisfying Sarah" out soon.

We're currently writing/editing our second novel entitled "Arrow Smith's Greatest Hits". Gonna be's hard not masturbating as we write it. Yeah, it's THAT hot!

And finally, we're close to recording our first episode for our official podcast. After thinking looooonnnngggg & HARD as to what the topic of the podcast would be...we decided to watch and discuss some of the most famous and outrageous XXX movies from the Golden Age of Porn (1969 -1984). While there are several podcasts & episodes of, that cover The Golden Age of Porn, we believe none discuss or paint the individual films in the humorous fashion our podcast intends. Look for it very soon.

Thanks again for visiting

Enjoy the show.

Sincerely Mike & Anita
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